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25 March 2010, 15:45

The congress of teachers RB started working in Ufa

The X congress of teachers RB, dated to the Republic Year in Bashkortostan and the Teacher Year in Russian Federation, is declared open in Ufa. 600 people are elected the delegates of the congress. The congress will sum up the work results for the last decade since the last teacher’s congress and will outline the aims for the future.
Today the delegates are working in various sections at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University and at the Institute of education development RB.
The plenary session, where the actual problems of education and new strategic plans under the terms of the Republican education system optimization are to be discussed, will take place tomorrow, March 26, in the Congress-Hall. The book and the photo exhibitions “The teacher: the look through time” will be open there the same day.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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