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24 March 2010, 19:14

Preparation for the First Youth Bashkir Kurultay was under discussion

The meeting of the Republican World Bashkir Kurultay youth activists has taken place in Ufa on March 24 and its participants discussed the course of preparation for the First Youth Bashkir Kurultay (Congress), which is to be held in Ufa on June 11, 2010.
The forthcoming forum will be devoted to discussion of the problems of Bashkir nation development in the XXI century and to the role of Bashkir youth in preservation of national originality, national language, traditions, education system and culture as well as the aspects of religious education, development of national mass-media and Bashkir families.
As the chairman of the World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee Azamat Galin said, the participants will have to take part in realization of all these projects themselves.
In order to make the work of the First Youth Kurultay more efficient it is decided to organize a special contest of projects and any young man of Bashkir nationality at the age between 18 and 30 inclusive may become its participant.
Author:Roman Davletbaev
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