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22 March 2010, 15:22

Rail Sarbaev: The positive experience of the national project “Health” is to be continued

Three questions, having high social orientation, were included into the agenda of today’s extended meeting of the Government RB. In particular, the course of execution of the top national project “Health”, realization of the arrangements of the medicinal provision of the Republican population and introduction of the Republican program “Family” were under consideration today.
The Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev said the national project “Health” became the real step, allowing restoring prophylactic direction in Russian medicine, strengthening the primary link in health protection sphere and raising the interest of medics in the results of their labor.
“During the realization of the national project, which started in 2006, more than 11 billion rubles from federal and Republican budgets entered the Republican health sphere” – Rail Sarbaev said.
The Minister of health protection RB Andre Evsukov mentioned this work in Bashkortostan started long before the start of the “Health” at the federal level.
“Since 2000 the Republic is busy with training of medical specialists for the rural health protection” – he reported – “Every year 180 such doctors fill up the rows of specialists at the municipal clinics and hospitals”.
Growth of birth rate, reduction of death rate, shortage of infant death rate at the age less than one year and reduction of death rate among able-bodied population have become the most significant results of the national project “Health” in our Republic. In 2009 the number of new-born babies has for the first time for the last 17 years exceeded the number of the deceased citizens by 2300 people.
At the same time, as the Prime-Minister mentioned, there are some problems, which have to be solved without delay:
“The equipment, incoming within the frames of the national project, isn’t always used with the necessary efficiency” – he reported – “and the main reason is that the local medics are not qualified enough to handle this equipment properly”.
Andre Evsukov also told about new directions of the national project concerning the aid for the people, suffering from cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and the people, getting into traffic accidents. These directions are already realized in the Republic but not always successfully. In particular, 12 centers “Health”, opened in the region within the frames of the program on formation of a health way of life, work with different efficiency. The emphasis, laid on the prophylactic constituent is not accidental – the medics consider it as one of the measures, able to influence on the state of population health and on the reduction of death rate.
At the end of the discussion it was stated the positive results of the national project “Health” in Bashkortostan will become the base for further improvements in the medical branch.
Author:Elena Makushina
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