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18 March 2010, 15:56

Meeting with the head of the Federal State Statistics Service

On March 18 the President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov held a work meeting with the head of the Federal State Statistics Service Alexander Surin, who arrived in Ufa for participating in the arrangements, devoted to the 175th anniversary of the state statistics service RB.
Some aspects of activity of the federal state statistics service territorial board in Republic of Bashkortostan were under discussion during the meeting as well as the preparations for the forthcoming all-Russian population census-2010.
Murtaza Rakhimov mentioned that Bashkir authority always paid serious attention to cooperation with the territorial board of the federal statistics service. In his opinion the activity of the board makes weighty contribution to social-economic development of Bashkortostan.
The summary plan of actions for holding of the all-Russian population census-2010 in Republic of Bashkortostan was also under consideration. The head of the Russian Statistics Committee has expressed assurance the experience of the Bashkir Statistics Committee on organization of the census will be applied in full measure and the census will be held in the Republic at a high level.
The head of the Federal State Statistics Service population statistics and health protection department Irene Zbarskaya, Minister of economic development RB Eugene Evtushenko and the head of the territorial statistical board in RB Akram Ganiev have also taken part in the meeting.
Author:news-service of President RB
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