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17 March 2010, 18:55

The meeting of Russian regions’ governors Council under Ministry of foreign affairs RF

On March 17 the President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has taken part in the XV meeting of Russian regions’ governors Council under the Ministry of foreign affairs of Russia under the chairmanship of Minister of foreign affairs RF Sergey Lavrov in Moscow.
Along with the President of Bashkortostan, the Presidents of Buryatia, Chechen Republic, the Governor of Kursk region, representatives of Krasnodar and Perm regions, Amur and Pskov regions and the employees of the Russian President’s Administration, Russian Ministry of foreign affairs, Ministry of regional development RF, Ministry of economic development RF, federal CIS Affairs Agency, Federal Tourism Agency, Federal Migration Service and Federal Custom Service were taking part in the meeting, dedicated to the aspects of Russian regions’ interaction with the UNO international organizations and to the aims on organization of acceptance of foreign citizens and our compatriots, living abroad, to the Russian institutes. Participants of the gathering have also listened to the information of Russian Ministry of foreign affairs about realization of the proposals, ventilated at the gathering “The East of Russia and integration in the Asian-Pacific region”, held in Moscow in July 2009.
President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has taken the floor with the report about interaction with the UNO organizations. The President RB reported Bashkortostan maintained trade-economic relations with more than 100 foreign countries. “We pay special attention to the growth of investment attractiveness and to attraction of investments to the Republic. Under these conditions our interaction with the UNO organizations is seriously consolidated” – the President RB underscored. According to the President RB the cooperation between Bashkortostan and UNIDO is realized within the frames of the UNIDO integrated program on Republic of Bashkortostan, aimed at the support of industry, assistance to investments, the control over harmful influence of industry upon environment and waste treatment. Such projects as construction of the polyether plant “POLYEF” and putting the UMAGUZINSKOE water reservoir with the hydroelectric station into exploitation were developed with the help of NIDO experts.
Cooperation of Bashkortostan with UNESCO also played an important role in development of education, culture and tourism in opinion of the President RB. Thus, the presentation of Bashkortostan at UNESCO headquarters “Bashkortostan: 450 years together with Russia”, held in Paris in March 2008, has become a noticeable event on the international arena. The cooperation communiqué between Government RB and UNESCO has been signed the same time.
Since 2000 Bashkortostan works with the UNO Development Program representative office in Russia and the first regional report about development of human potential in Republic of Bashkortostan for 2008 was published in our Republic in 2009 within the frames of the Development Program. The report was prepared in the form of an analytical review on the most actual problems of human development in Bashkortostan as one of the leaders in the country by the index of human development potential. The report shows the social portrait of the Republic, which confirms that Bashkortostan possesses one of the highest level of social protection in the country.
“Our Republic stably works over the goals, determined by the UNO Millennium Summit and adapted for Russia” – Murtaza Rakhimov underscored.
Author:news-service of President RB
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