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16 March 2010, 11:44

Ufa’s Muslims have celebrated Mawlid

Solemn celebration of Mawlid – the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad – has taken place yesterday in Ufa Congress-Hall. The Chairman of the Central Clerical Muslim Dept RF Talgat Tadjuddin and the Chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB, Mufti Nurmuchamet Nigmatullin came to the Congress-Hall to congratulate all comers and to tell them about history and meaning of this feast.
The Chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee under Government RB Vyacheslaw Pyatkov congratulated all Bashkir Muslims on behalf of the Republican authority.
“The whole Muslim world is celebrating the holy prophet’s birthday, filling the hearts of all believers with mutual understanding and kindness, today” – he said – “It is of great importance that Bashkortostan’s Muslims as well as the representatives of other religion, may satisfy their spiritual needs today in full measure. The adherents of 22 confessions inhabit our Republic and all of them strive for mutual understanding and harmony”.
Mawlid – the prophet’s birthday – is the feast with a rich history. It had begun to be celebrated only 300 years after the appearance of Islam in the world. Since the exact date of the prophet’s birthday is unknown, this remarkable day was dated to the day of Muhammad’s death – the 12th of Rabi-al-avval (the third month by Hegira – the Muslim calendar).
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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