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7 March 2010, 10:30

Happy International Women’s Day!

President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated all women with the International Women’s Day:
“Dear women of Bashkortostan!
Let me heartily congratulate you with the wonderful spring holiday –the International Women’s Day!
This light and joyful day gives us, men, one more chance to express our love and deep gratitude to mothers and grandmothers, wives, sisters and daughters, all representatives of the fair sex as the keepers of hearth and home, moral climate and well-being in our families.
That fact that along with upbringing and household routines you manage to gain high successes in your professional activity causes our deep respect. Together with men you make weighty contribution to social-economic and spiritual-cultural development of our Republic and efficiently take part in all spheres of public life, demonstrating competence and responsibility.
Ensuring of women’s rights and interests, protection of families and motherhood is the most important showing of the level of any society’s development. In Republic of Bashkortostan these aims are considered the prior direction of the state policy and realized in many concrete deeds. The Republican authority will further make everything possible to make your life, dear women, much better both materially and spiritually, making all necessary conditions for full realization of your talents, knowledge and skills and for solution of your everyday needs.
With all my heart I wish you strong health and well-being and let all your secret dreams and wishes become a reality! Be loved and happy!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the greeting message of President RB.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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