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3 March 2010, 15:21

Rail Sarbaev: “The approach to development of information technologies should be absolutely serious”

Development of information technologies has become the subject of discussion at the regular meeting of Government RB under the chairmanship of the Prime-Minister Rail Sarbaev.
“This question is very serious” – Rail Sarbaev said – “because such aspects as e-government RB, development of IT in Bashkortostan within the frames of e-government and provision of e-services stand as a separate item in the Message of the President RB”.
According to the Prime-Minister the basic part of e-government in the region is made and successfully functions: the authority’s portal, the site of state services, the portal of state purchases, the regional certification center, the system of interdepartmental information interaction, the information booths and the e-card.
“The aim is very simple – to reduce the divagation of our population on various commands, reduction of the queues and removal of the corruption factor, other words the easing of life of our citizens” – Rail Sarbaev underscored.
In the program “E-government” the authorized body, i.e. the Ministry of economic development RB should play very important role and at that, as the Minister of economic development Eugene Evtushenko said, he authorized body has to monitor three key directions: maintenance of the information register of e-services, elaboration of methodical recommendations, monitoring and analysis of the incoming data. The operator, locating the whole information on the portal, is also called to play the important role. In opinion of Eugene Evtushenko it should be a separate structural division, very powerful technically, intellectually and professionally. “This program is meant for many years and its success depends on to what extent our today’s steps on its development are correct” – the Minister said.
All executive power bodies are ordered to form the calendar plan for the transition to provision of e-services by April 1, 2010, and to introduce this plan to the interdepartmental commission.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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