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1 March 2010, 10:28

The question concerning establishment of Islamic TV-channel in Russia is under discussion

At the IV Congress of Tatar Muslims, held in Kazan last Saturday with participation of the representatives of Bashkortostan, the chairman of the Russian Mufti Council Ravil Gainutdin has urged the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev to help with the establishment of the Islamic TV-channel in Russia, the news-agency “Tatar-Inform” reports.
It should be noted that not long ago the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev also stated about the necessity to open the TV-channel in Russia, which would be specialized in explanation of the Islam basics. In opinion of the President RF such explanation has to be prepared by the well-qualified imams and specialists in theology. “It would be correct because I think this channel would meet stable demand in the regions, where the Russian Muslims live” – the President of Russia said at the meeting re the support of Muslim religious organizations in the Northern Caucasus.
In opinion of Ravil Gainutdin it is high time to launch our own Muslim TV in Russia: “Establishment of our TV and radio broadcasting is the question of our competitive ability and correspondence to the spirit of time” – he said.
As the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev thinks, the possibility to communicate with the Islamic believers with the help of radio and TV has to become a reality: “We still use technical opportunities rather poorly” - he said – “We have the understanding of this problem and it has to be solved. I think the Muslims will hear our voices on the radio and will watch our actions on TV. Nowadays having such technical opportunities and missing the chance to use these novelties means either neglect or out-of-date steps on restoration of our beliefs. We will steadily work over it” – the President of Tatarstan said.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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