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25 February 2010, 14:54

Rail Sarbaev: “The Message of President RB means active, efficient and rigid work of Government RB”

“The Message of President RB to the State Council RB strictly outlines the actions the Government RB has to undertake in 2010” – the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev told to mass-media – “The Message means active, efficient and rigid work of Government RB and it concerns not just the sphere of industry and economics but rather large block of social questions too, especially in sphere of health protection and the sphere of “e-Bashkortostan”.
The Prime-Minister said that many questions, set in the Message, have already been discussed by the Government but on the residual principle. In particular, one of such questions is development of tourism in Bashkortostan. After this aim is set in the Message, the Government has to revise the volumes of funding, contributing to their increase and to acceleration of the rates of development in this sphere.
The Prime-Minister called modernization and innovations the strategically important aims, outlined in the Message.
“Our economics can’t move forward without solution of these aims” – he said – “It concerns the fuel-energy complex, power-engineering and the usage of local fuel sources”.
Author:Nikolai Ermolenko
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