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25 February 2010, 10:46

Murtaza Rakhimov outlined the main aim of the year – the continuation of modernization in Bashkortostan

At present moment the President RB Murtaza Rakhimov is taking the floor with the annual Message to the State Council-Kurultay-RB. The President RB is addressing himself to the Bashkir parliament in accordance with the Constitution RB and this tradition exists since 1995. The today’s Message is called “Further modernization RB is the way to prosperity in the XXI century (the state of things in the Republic and the main tendencies of its development in 2010)”.
“This year is of paramount importance both for Bashkortostan and Russian Federation as well, it is commemorated with the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and it is announced the Republic Year here” – Murtaza Rakhimov stated – “This is a chance to grasp the totals of the last 20 years for modern Bashkortostan in the staff of Russia and the chance to determine our future prospects”.
President RB accented the attention on the concrete results of the historical spurt, made by Bashkortostan for the last years. The system of economic processes’ management is modernized and stable market mechanisms were launched. Our Republic put the model of stable development into practice. The outlook of the Republican towns and villages is visually changed. More than 3 million square meters of housing is out into exploitation. We observe evident shifts in sphere of health protection, science, education, culture and art, strengthening the material and technical base of these spheres.
By the monetary incomes our Republic has left the 66 position for one of the leading places in the country and by the index of human potential development Bashkortostan is stably found in the Top 10.
Bashkortostan stands in the Top 10 of the supporting Russian regions. By the volumes of industrial production and investments to the fixed capital Bashkortostan has reached the pre-reforming level and exceeded this level in sphere of agriculture and building. The retail trade turnover increased by more than 3,5 times. Republican small and medium business form one fifth of the gross regional product and this is one of the best results in Russia.
“We started making the conditions for modernization of the Republic with high responsibility” – Murtaza Rakhimov underscored – “This is the full-fledged legislative base, political stability and international harmony, high level of private security and reliable guarantees for development of all forms of property. We’ve managed to avoid the way of “shocking reforms” and risky experiments; we haven’t allowed squandering of our natural-economic complex. Republic of Bashkortostan hasn’t refused from its social obligations and hasn’t allowed the impoverishment of our population”.
“The Message of the President RF determines the strategy for modernization of the country and its key aim is preservation of Russia’s status as a world state, reaching of a definite quality of the population’s living standards, comparable with the level of the leading world countries. Republic of Bashkortostan was and remains the regional locomotive of these processes” – the President RB underscored.
The President RB considers the Republic possesses all necessary conditions for achievement of the abovementioned goals. “Bashkortostan faces no problems in the direction to modernization” – the head of the Republic is certain – “We’ve launched its mechanisms still 20 years ago when the Republic get a chance to make use of its national treasures in full measure”.
Having reached the trajectory of stable development Republic of Bashkortostan increases the human resources of modernization all the time – these are 1064 newly erected and refurbished schools, the transition to modern technologies in education, widening of the network of general and professional education and consolidation of the manpower and material base of fundamental and applied science. The formation of innovational economics is impossible without these steps!
“Outlining new aims and goals we aren’t going to refuse from our traditionally strong positions” – Murtaza Rakhimov stated – “We aren’t inclined to divide the society into the progressive minority and the conservative majority and I am sure every citizen has his own adequate borderline of renovation and the wisdom of the political management is to determine this level properly, thus creating the prerequisites for its achievement”.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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