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25 February 2010, 15:04

Constantine Tokatchev: “The Message of President RB will receive wide backing of population RB”

The speaker of Bashkir parliament Constantine Tolkatchev called the publication of the annual Message of President RB to the State Council RB an important even in life of the Republic.
“The Message represents the perspective program document, determining the priorities of the state-legal, social-economic and cultural-spiritual development of our Republic, the directions in activity of the authority, local self-government and public society institutes on further reformation of our Republic in the nearest future” – he said – “The Message outlines the principles of the new political strategy, all-sided modernization, based on the values and institutes of democracy and federalism, defining the prior aims, aimed at overcoming of the crisis and removal of its after-effects, the rise of quality and level of people’s life, modernization of our economics and revival of our Motherland – the whole of Russia as the leading state in the multi-polar world”.
Constantine Tolkatchev has expressed assurance the Message of President RB will be widely supported by our multinational population, becoming a reliable guideline for further state-legal, social-economic and cultural-spiritual development RB.
Author:Nikolai Ermolenko
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