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24 February 2010, 11:52

The number of goal-oriented programs in Ufa increased by one third

The number of the goal-oriented programs, developed in Ufa in 2009, increased by one third, as compared with 2008, the head of Ufa administration economics supervision department Olga Krasnova said today.
“In total complexity 39 programs were under realization in Ufa in the course of 2009 – by nine programs more than in 2008” – she said – “ Social programs (31) form the largest block”.
According to Olga Krasnova the economic crisis adversely affected the volumes and the structure of financing for the goal-oriented programs. Thus, due to all sources of financing 4,24 billion rubles have been invested to realization of these programs in 2009 – almost 1,5 billion rubles less than in 2008. At the same time the share of budget means in the overall volume of financing has increased from 31% in 2008 to 66% in 2009.
Thanks to these programs Ufa administration widens the network of the public transport in the city, acquires new trolley-buses and trams, introduces energy-saving technologies etc. There are the special programs, aimed at the assistance to population employment and improvement of work conditions at Ufa’s enterprises. Several programs are working in sphere of health protection and there are the programs for development of culture, art and sport, for support of youth and small business.
Olga Krasnova has also reported that 18 programs of 39 will be stopped in 2010 and it means the Ufa administration has to think already now that the spheres, developed thanks to these programs, shouldn’t be left without state support in 2011.
“We’ve already started working over such programs for 2011” – the head of Ufa administration Paul Kachkaev said – “But taking the crisis into account we will finance only the programs, really necessary for citizens of Ufa. The city can’t afford itself any extras in the mode of rigid economy”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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