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22 February 2010, 17:57

Happy the Defender of the Motherland Day!

The Defender of the Motherland Day is celebrated in Russia on February 23 and on this occasion President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated all veterans and servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces and the Navy with this holiday:
“Dear veterans of the Russian army and the Navy! Dear warriors of the Russian Armed Forces!
Today we honor all those, who stand guard over the security of our Motherland and who displayed heroism and bravery, defending our freedom and independence. The Motherland will never forget its sons and daughters, bravery discharging their soldier’s duty!
The great feats of arms and traditions of our compatriots are forever immortalized in the legends and in the works of literature and art. Today our youth continues the deeds of the older generations with dignity, being on the active service. Our peaceful labor and the future of the country are ensured with the battle training and patriotism of our warriors and with the all-national support of the fighting efficiency and technical equipping of our army and the fleet.
Republic of Bashkortostan is actively working over the development of our defense enterprises, assistance to the military units, organization of military-patriotic upbringing and careful preservation of the history of our land’s military glory. The Republic will further undertake all possible steps for further consolidation of the Russian Armed Forces, its defensive capacity, security and power.
This year is commemorated with the great date – the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The 9th of May, 1945 is the invaluable treasure of our population, its pride and glory for centuries ahead! Our kowtow to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Our Republic together with the whole country pays homage to the holy and thankful memory of our compatriots, all those, who had stood up for our future and saved the world from the fascist plague.
We carefully keep our great history, honor the veterans of war and labor and take care of them. Our Republic is doing everything possible to supply the former front-line soldiers, invalids of war and the families of those, who had never returned home, with housing, surrounding them with warmth and care. It will be so forever!
Please, let me heartily congratulate all veterans of the Russian army and the Navy, all servicemen – the defenders of the Motherland with the holiday. I wish you health, peaceful heavens, happiness and every success in all your deeds for the good of our Fatherland!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the welcome of President of Bashkortostan.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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