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18 February 2010, 16:04

Murtaza Rakhimov presented the highest awards of Russia and Bashkortostan to the best toilers

The ceremony of awarding of the best professionals has taken place in Ufa today. 57 people received the state awards from the hands of President RB Murtaza Rakhimov in the Republic House – teachers, medics, agrarians, representatives of industrial and building complexes, transport workers, representatives of culture and art and public activists.
At the beginning of the ceremony the President RB said that “Your labor is of paramount importance for social-economic and cultural development of the Republic and such people will be always in the focus of attention”. At the end of the ceremony President RB has again congratulated all comers with their high awards. “All of you here are the example of highly professional work and thanks to you many problems in Bashkortostan are successfully solved” – Murtaza Rakhimov mentioned in his concluding remarks.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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