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1 February 2010, 16:19

The first meeting of the steering committee on preparation for the III World Bashkir Kurultay has taken place in Ufa

The organizational questions on preparation and holding of the III World Bashkir Kurultay have been discussed today by the steering committee, responsible for holding of this international forum. The meeting was headed by the chairman of the committee, Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev.
“With the purpose to develop and preserve the culture of Bashkir nation and for expansion of our relations with the Bashkir compatriots, living in other Russian regions and abroad, we will hold the III World Bashkir Kurultay in Ufa in June 2010” – Rail Sarbaev said.
The deputy chairman of the steering committee, the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of culture and national politics RB Ildus Ilishev outlined the actual items, regarding the terms of holding the Congress, the program and several organizational problems in his report.
“The executive committee of the World Bashkir Kurultay suggested that the III all-Bashkir Congress should be held in June 11-12, 2010” – Ildus Ilishev said – “And during these days the delegates and guests of the Kurultay may take part in the cultural-mass arrangements, devoted to the Day of Russia and to the day of the capital RB Ufa”.
The Culture Palace “NEFTYANIK” will be the main place of the Congress. By the decision of Government RB it is presented to Ministry of culture and national politics RB for placement of the national-cultural centers there.
The number of the forum’s delegates will be 771 persons and the norm of representation is one delegate per 2000 Bashkirs fr om regions and towns RB and one delegate per 3000 Bashkirs from Russian regions. Guests from Russian Federation, CIS and foreign countries and mass-media will take part in the forum.
June 10 is the day of arrival and same day the meeting of the representatives of the delegations, wh ere the main documents of the III Bashkir Kurultay and the staff of its bodies are to be approved, will take place in the building of the State Council-Kurultay-RB. The plenary session and the sectional meetings of the forum on the most important directions in public-political and social-economic development of Bashkir nations and Bashkortostan will take place in the Culture Palace “NEFTYANIK” on June 11. The Youth Kurultay will be held in parallel with the sectional meetings in the Congress-Hall.
The final plenary session will take place on June 12 and the resulting documents of the forum will be approved there. The elections of a new staff of the World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee will take place on June 12 too and same day the delegations and guests will participate in the solemn ceremony of opening of the memorial Bashkir center on the peak of Toratau in Ishimbaysky region RB and in the festive arrangements in the towns and regions RB, devoted to the Day of Russia. The flying horse Tolpar will become the emblem of the III World Bashkir Kurultay, which was the symbol of the First and the Second Bashkir Kurultays.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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