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30 January 2010, 11:10

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has become acquainted with the course of construction of the oncological dispensary’s building

On January 30 President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has become acquainted with the course of construction of the Republican clinical oncological dispensary’s new building in Ufa.
Erection of the new block started in 2007. At present time the construction of the 6-storied building with the total area 17000 square meters, where the surgical block, reanimation block, laboratories, the X-ray, endoscopy and sterilization blocks are to be located, is close to the end. It is planned the building will be put into exploitation on the eve of the Republican Health Council’s meeting, which is to be held in Ufa in 2010. The building is financed by the Republican budget and the cost of all works makes 1 billion 060 million rubles.
President RB inspected the future operational and laboratory facilities and was interested in the possibilities of the high-tech medical equipment, installed there. Specialists say the modern equipment will allow substantially improving the quality of the operations and the work conditions of the personnel. President RB also discussed the questions concerning erection of the second turn of the clinic – the 240-bed block with the leadership of the dispensary and the contractors.
Minister of health protection RB Andre Evsukov also took part in the work arrangements of the head of the Republic.
For the reference:
The index of oncological sickness rate in Bashkortostan remains stably low as compared with other regions in Volga federal district. In 2009 it made 275,7 cases per 100 thousand people. 68503 citizens RB are registered at the dispensary now.
In accordance with the decree of the Russian Government the federal exchequer will allocate about 460 million rubles for equipping of the Republican clinical oncological dispensary. The funding is fulfilled within the frames of the arrangements, aimed at the perfection of medical assistance for the people, suffering from oncological ailments. In total complexity more than 5 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for these goals in 2010.
Author:news-service of President RB
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