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28 January 2010, 16:23

More than 50 imams passed refresher courses

More than 50 Republican imams have taken part in the refresher courses, organized by the Clerical Muslim Dept RB in Baltachevsky region of Bashkortostan. The deputy chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB on education Ruslan Sayakhov, the representative of the youth department of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Marat Adzitarov, the representative of “Halal” committee under the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Timur Shangareev and the pedagogue of the International University “Al-Azkhar” (Egypt), sheikh Muhammad Hindi arrived in the region to teach the imams.
Holding of such training courses in our Republic gradually becomes traditional. The Clerical Muslim Dept RB pays high attention to the raising of the professional level of its employees and along with the field refresher course the Dept holds similar courses in Ufa on the base of the madrasah by Miriam Sultanova as well as the attestations of the imams
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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