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27 January 2010, 14:40

The first medals by the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory are presented to veterans of Bashkortostan

President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov presented the jubilee medals “The 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945” to the first group of veterans fr om our Republic today. For every of these 30 people, symbolizing by themselves the whole galaxy of the warriors-winners of our Motherland, this event has become really memorable and though many of them live in remote regions of our Republic, they’ve managed to come in order to become the first, who received these high awards in the memorable days of Leningrad’s blockade reversal. According to President RB the celebration of the regular anniversary of the Victory will be held on a grand scale this year. The all-Russian review will take place in all hero-cities and in all Russian cities, wh ere the staffs of the commands and fleets are located. Big celebrities on this occasion are scheduled in all towns and regions of our Republic too and along with them the whole series of the arrangements, aimed at the support of veterans of war and labor, will be held in our Republic.
“Bashkortostan has made great contribution to struggle with fascism” – Murtaza Rakhimov said – “More than 300 thousand warriors – every second man, having left our Republic for the front, have died a hero’s death, defending our Motherland. The names of our deceased compatriots – the twice Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Gareev, the Heroes of the Soviet Union Alexander Matrosov and Minigali Gubaidullin, the legendary commander of the 112th Bashkir cavalry division Minigali Shaimuratov and of many others have become the symbols of indestructible firmness and bravery for us”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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