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25 January 2010, 14:39

Sergey Lavrentiev urged heads of city and regional administrations to develop sites of municipal formations

The State Advisor under President RB Sergey Lavrentiev urged the heads of regional and city administrations to pay more attention to development of the sites of municipal formations of Bashkortostan.
“ The survey, made by the Presidential Administration’s public and political development and IT department, shows that 19 of 54 municipal formations RB have no their own sites” – Sergey Lavrentiev said – “And even in those regions, where these sites are present, the necessary information is absent on 18% of them: names of the key officials and the contact data”.
In opinion of Sergey Lavrentiev this situation can’t be called satisfactory. Moreover our region is chosen as the experimental one for estimation of the authority’s openness and availability and it by this index it will be compared with Samara region so Bashkir municipalities have to use the e-resources more actively. As Sergey Lavrentiev said the official sites of cities and regions RB should contain several obligatory information blocks and first of all this is the information about local self-government bodies. The next block should contain the information about law-making activity of a local municipality. The texts of official reports of the heads of local self-government, their deputies and their interviews have to form the next block. Information about manpower policy, RSS news and the information about working with the appeals of citizens should form one more block of information.
“Official sites of municipal formations often play the role of the central site of this or that town or region” – the State Advisor said – “It would be desirable that the RSS news of such sites contain not just the information about local administration’s activity but the news about local economic, social and cultural life too”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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