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21 January 2010, 18:12

Republic Year started in Ufa

Solemn ceremony of opening of the Republic Year has taken place on Thursday, January 21, 2010, in the City Culture Palace with participation of Ufa Mayor Paul Kachkaev, the State Advisor under President RB Sergey Lavrentiev, Chairman of the State Council-Kurultay-RB Constantine Tolkatchev, members of the Government RB, heads of municipal and city districts and representatives of public community.
The exhibition, telling about achievements of the capital RB in different spheres and dated to this event was opened in the Palace’s foyer.
“The basics of development of modern Bashkortostan in the staff of democratic Russia were laid 20 years ago” – the head of Ufa administration Paul Kachkaev said at the solemn ceremony – “the Declaration about state sovereignty of our Republic was approved on October 11, 1990. For many years ahead it determined the vectors of its progress”.
This event has deep historical roots, the Ufa Mayor said. Practically the first stone to development of our land had been laid in 1557, when the representatives of Bashkir nation signed the treaty about joining the staff of Russian state. In 2007 our Republic celebrated the 450th anniversary of this crucial event and preparing for that date the President RB Murtaza Rakhimov laid the focus on construction of socially important objects, which also consolidated the solid economical foundation of Bashkortostan.
“The adoption of the declaration about state sovereignty RB may be called the great event, having substantially influenced on the destiny of our Republic and many future generations. Much is done in Bashkortostan for 20 years and these results and visual and evident” – Paul Kachkaev said.
The head of Ufa administration underscored that positive changes occurred in Bashkortostan everywhere. For 20 years 7,5 million square meters of dwelling, 20 road junctions, five new bridges, 37 schools, more than 20 kindergartens, three theaters, the mosque “LALA-TULPAN”, the Godmother Christmas Cathedral, the largest in Europe Jewish community center and plenty of other objects have been put into exploitation in Ufa. Ufa is the only city with one-millionth population in Russia, where the natality is registered and we look into the future with assurance.
The head of Ufa administration wished all comers health, well-being, happiness, optimism and every success in the Republic Year.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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