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12 January 2010, 18:14

Happy Russian Press Day!

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated employees and veterans of the Republican press with their professional holiday – the Russian Press Day, celebrated on January 13:
“Dear friends! Let me heartily congratulate all journalists, polygraph workers, editors, employees of the editorial staffs of newspapers and magazines, veterans of journalism and beginners with the professional holiday – the Russian Press Day!
Our press successfully performs the tasks, imposed on it, providing the right of population to trustworthy information about life of our society and about everyday events in the world, in the country and in our Republic. It is good that more than 1000 periodical printed editions, published in seven languages, are registered in our Republic now. The majority of these editions are supported by the state because they play an important role in development RB and in revival of national spiritual and cultural traditions and moral values. The polygraph branch of Bashkortostan also develops from year to year. The majority of the leading editions became multi-colored and rich, having turned to the color-printing, thus becoming more competitive in modern media-space.
In all time the attitude to a printed word was special. It is trusted, people listen to opinion of our authors and the labor of journalists is always respected. The press remains a delicate mechanism of influence upon the society’s moods and a sort of a tuning fork of its spiritual and intellectual health.
I am certain, dear employees of the branch, that you’ll further be loyal to your professional duty and high traditions of Russian journalism.
I wish all of you health, happiness, new interesting ideas and every success in your activity!
President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the complimentary address of President RB.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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