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11 January 2010, 18:22

Happy Day of employee of Russian Office of Public Prosecutor!

The employees of Russian Office of Public Prosecutor celebrate their professional holiday on January 12. On this occasion President RB Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated the employees and veterans of the Republican Office of Public Prosecutor:
“For already three centuries the Office of Public Prosecutor firmly stands on a guard of the Fatherland’s interests, protecting the law and order. Your service is considered one of the central links in the Russian law-enforcement system and today it reliably protects the institutes of the lawful state, the basics of our democratic society and rights and liberties of Russian citizens, guaranteed by the law. The employees of the Office of Public Prosecutor make an important contribution to struggle with criminality, corruption, terrorism and extremism.
All necessary conditions for efficient activity of the Office of Public Prosecutor are created in Bashkortostan: we formed well-developed legislation system and reached close interaction with the authority and local self-government bodies. When making the plan of anti-crisis arrangements a reality we managed to avoid the growth of social intenseness and to shorten the number of local enterprises, having arrears of wages, with your direct assistance.
Highly professional, honest, brave and people of principle, devoted to their duty, work in the system of the Republican Office of Public Prosecutor. You have the authority and respect with our society. I wish all of you strong health, well-being, happiness and every success for the good of Bashkortostan and the whole of Russia!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the complimentary address of President RB.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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