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24 December 2009, 09:59

Happy Day of Constitution RB!

President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated all citizens of our Republic with the Day of the Constitution RB, celebrated on December 24:
“Dear compatriots! Let me heartily congratulate you with the Day of the Constitution RB! Its elaboration and passing have become possible thanks to profound public and political reforms, having occurred both in Russia and Bashkortostan. For the first time in our history the Constitution RB has taken the great experience of development of the constitutional law, state system and federative relations in the country, the peculiarities and root interests of our multinational Republic into account.
The Constitution RB created a solid political and lawful base for formation of the democratic state and the institutes of public society, local self-government system and for conducting of the step-by-step economic and social policy in the interests of our population.
All impressive achievements of modern Bashkortostan, dynamical development of our economics, social and spiritual-cultural spheres and the rise of people’s well-being are directly connected with the great creative potential of the Main Law. For a short period of time we’ve passed the historical way, equal to many decades. As a result our Republic today is considered one of the most developed and supporting regions in Russian Federation, looking forward with confidence.
As the state document of paramount importance the Constitution is directed at the future, providing further perfection of our legislation, public and political stability and reliable protection of human rights and liberties, realization of social progress state strategy.
I wish you health, well-being, happiness and every success for the good of our native Bashkortostan and the whole of Russia!
President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the complimentary address of President RB.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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