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24 December 2009, 17:24

Dmitry Medvedev: oil mustn’t flow away abroad

The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev stated, summing up the results of the year in live broadcast today that Russia has to refuse from export of crude oil and natural gas.
“Our economics survives through hard times now” - the President RF said – “If we had observed the period of quick and very favorable development, the question of production modernization and refusal from oil export wouldn’t have been so vital. But the crisis dictates us the need in changes”.
In opinion of Dmitry Medvedev in this situation we have to learn to use our natural treasures properly. It matters oil and gas first of all.
“Russian economics is supported by our huge natural resources” – Dmitry Medvedev said – “These treasures fed our forefathers for many centuries and still feed us but we mustn’t simply eat this invaluable national treasure away. We export too much oil and gas but we have to export ready-made products and not crude oil. If we fail to undertake timely steps on transition to modern and high-tech economics today, we will never be able to cope with the technological backwardness”.
As Dmitry Medvedev reported, special presidential commission is established now and it will be engaged in modernization of Russian productions. At that the President RF determined the following priorities in modernization: energy-efficiency, new sorts of fuel, development of nuclear power-engineering, IT and space technologies, modernization of Russian health protection system and manufacturing of medicines.
The problem of oil refining is especially important for Bashkortostan because our fuel-energy complex is considered the foundation of Republican prosperity. The necessity to develop oil-refining and inadmissibility of crude oil export was marked by the President RB Murtaza Rakhimov many times.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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