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23 December 2009, 18:30

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has taken part in the meeting of State Council RF

President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov has taken part in the joint meeting of Russian State Council and the Council under the President of Russia re development of informational society in Russia on December 23 in Moscow, Kremlin.
Participants of the meeting discussed the aspects of informational society development in Russia in 2010-2011 and results of e-government introduction under the chairmanship of President RF Dmitry Medvedev.
Dmitry Medvedev stated about the necessity to turn all public services into electronic form by 2015. He said that the strategic IT was one of the most important directions in development of the country. “It is good that the unified public service portal was at last opened in December. At present time it functions just as an inquiry office. It isn’t bad but not too much” – Dmitry Medvedev said.
According to the Russian President certain progress on introduction of e-government is present but no cardinal changes have occurred.
“People still have to stay in queues to receive any certificate and have to address themselves on this or that occasion to state bodies many times” – Dmitry Medvedev stated.
President of Russia urged to reduce the “digital disparity” between Moscow, where 65% of Muscovites have internet access, and the regions, where this index is equal just to 30-35%. He has underscored that special emphasis should be laid on the usage of internet at medical and social institutions.
The reports of the participants of the meeting concerning introduction of e-government at federal and regional levels have been listened too.
President RB Murtaza Rakhimov also points to the importance of consolidation of all state bodies on informatization of the country and its regions and according to him Bashkir authority holds a whole series of measures to turn to the system of e-government.
“Modernization of economics, which is much talked about now, is impossible without modern management system and e-services are not an exotics but the dictate of time” – Murtaza Rakhimov said.
All key elements of e-government are present in Bashkortostan for today: the portal of state institutions, the site of public services, the portal of state purchases, the regional verification center, the multifunctional center, the e-map RB and other components. The program on introduction of the social card RB with seven active applications successfully functions in our Republic and in opinion of Murtaza Rakhimov Bashkortostan has all prerequisites for further development of informational society.
Author:news-service of President RB
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