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21 December 2009, 16:44

The Year for support and development of youth initiatives is declared over in Bashkortostan

Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev, his deputy – Minister of culture and national politics RB Ildus Ilishev, Minister of youth policy, sport and tourism RB Alexander Nikerin, the most talented representatives of Republican youth, heads of city and regional administrations, heads of youth departments and heads and specialists of leading Bashkir enterprises and institutions gathered in the Congress-Hall today, December 21, to join the ceremony of closure of the Year for support and development of youth initiatives in Republic of Bashkortostan. But as many of comers fairly said they didn’t close the year but summed up its results and outlined the plans for the future.
“The Year for support and development of youth initiatives in our Republic gave a new impulse to solution of many impending problems in our society” – Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev said. In particular, he mentioned such important problem as supply of young people with housing. It should be noted much is done in Bashkortostan in this direction. Thus, 850 young couples received state aid both from the federal and the Republican budgets within the frames of the program on support of young families. 285 families improved their living conditions in accordance with the program “Social development of villages” and 453 young families signed contracts within the frames of the program “My Own House”. In all more than 10 thousand young families have managed to take advantage of various forms of state aid. The work in this direction will be continued in 2010 too and the main emphasis here is laid on construction of individual cottages and on social housing.
The law RB “The state youth policy” was initiated by President RB Murtaza Rakhimov still in 1991. For the last years the presidential program “The Youth of Bashkortostan”, the concept “Youth is the strategic resource RB” and many other legal acts, having become the foundation of active Republican youth policy, are successfully put into practice.
As Rail Sarbaev mentioned, manpower policy is considered one of the main directions now.
“In the nearest future we intend to work up a series of measures for consolidation of Republican manpower potential and especially among young people” – he reported – It is good that the manpower potential of our youngsters is high enough. By the results of the all-Russian contest “The Leader of the XXI century” all three representatives of Bashkortostan, having participated in the final stage of the contest, received the diplomas of winners in their nominations”.
Talking about the most noticeable events of the Youth Year Rail Sarbaev also reported that within the frames of the all-Russian innovational contest for the ZVORYKINSKAYA Award nine projects, worked up in Bashkortostan, were included in the list of best Russian projects, including the projects in sphere of tourism, medicine, oil mining and mass-media. Some projects have already found their investment partners, including the partners among foreign venture companies. The project of Lilia Anisimova “The bio-preparation for environment rectification from ecologically dangerous xenobiotics” has become one of three winners of ZVORYKINSKAYA Award and received the first national youth award “Breakthrough” in the nomination “Pro-science and innovations”.
The Youth Year in the region has admittedly passed successfully and Rail Sarbaev said in conclusion that though much has been done in 2009, there is the necessity of further growth of youth activity and more active support of the state.
“On the foundation, laid in 2009, we have to build up an efficient system for working with younger generation” – Prime-Minister said – “Our goal is to help every youngster to find a deserved place in his life”.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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