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19 December 2009, 14:13

Happy Power Engineering Specialist Day!

President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated Republican power engineering specialists, whose professional holiday is celebrated on December 20. The text of his congratulation is given below:
“Dear workers and veterans of the power engineering complex RB! Let me heartily congratulate you with the professional holiday – The Power Engineering Specialist Day!
The energy system of Bashkortostan possesses huge economic and scientific-technical potential. It is considered one of the biggest and the most reliable producers of electric and heat energy in the country. Power engineering specialists RB move step-by-step along the way of innovational progress, widely introducing the science-intensive technologies.
And in 2009, in spite of all difficulties JSC “BASHKIRENERGO” actively continues construction of new energy objects, reconstruction and modernization of active capacities, putting modern turbines, units, heat-mains and high-voltage power lines into operation.
Special attention is paid to social and manpower policy. Every year many specialists of the Bashkir energy system raise their qualification. Power engineering specialists receive the vacancies in our sanatoriums and health centers and we provide the participants of the Great Patriotic War and veterans of labor with moneyed assistance.
It is good that perfection of social sphere and erection of new social objects is going on in our Republic. Thus, new wonderful sport center, erected by the order of “BASHKIRENERGO” was open near Ufa not long ago. The achievements of power engineering specialists in all spheres of our public life are known quite well.
I am certain that you, possessing rich experience and high qualification, will further successfully solve the tasks on stable work of our energy system, making all necessary conditions for successful social-economic development of our Republic.
I wish all specialists, workers and employees of our electric stations, electric and heat networks and all veterans of Bashkortostan’s power system strong health, well-being, happiness and every success in your activity for the good of our native Bashkortostan and the whole of Russia!
Happy holiday, dear friends!
President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the complimentary address of President RB.
Author:news-service of President RB
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