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18 December 2009, 16:50

Jewish community RB celebrates Chanukah

Solemn celebration of one of the main Jewish holidays – Chanukah – has taken place yesterday in Ufa Congress-Hall. In spite of severe frosts representatives of Bashkortostan’s Jewish community, the Jewish public organization “KOHAV” and Republican officials gathered in the Congress-Hall.
“The Chanukah candles, considered the symbols of good and light for all nations irrespective of their religion, are lit all over the world these days” – the rabbi of Ufa Dan Kritchevsky said – “Chanukah is the holiday of tolerance, national originality and striving for light and we –the Jews of Bashkortostan are happy that we may celebrate Chanukah together with all other Jews all around the globe”.
The Minister of culture and national politics RB Ildus Ilishev congratulated all comers on behalf of President RB and Government RB.
“Chanukah candles are the symbol of struggle of nations for preservation of their ethnic-cultural identity” – he said – “It looks symbolically that the international scientific-practical conference “National policy and traditional national culture” was held in Ufa the same day. Our Republic is considered one of the most poly-ethnic regions in Russia for today, where more than 130 ethnoses live side by side and the state national policy RB is based on recognition of the right of all nations for development of their national cultures and Jews as an inseparable part of our population also have the possibility to follow their traditions and celebrate Jewish national holidays”.
As the State Advisor under President RB Sergey Lavrentiev said, during the last decade the Jewish community RB actively works on revival and preservation of their traditions.
“I’d like to wish you the warmth of Chanukah candles would shine in the soul of everyone, who celebrates this light holiday, and peace and prosperity would be the guests in every your home” – Sergey Lavrentiev said.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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