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14 December 2009, 14:00

Destiny of Swiss minarets was under discussion in Ufa

The Chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB, Mufti Nurmuchamet Nigmatullin criticized the results of the referendum against erection of Muslim minarets in Switzerland during the meeting with the first secretary of Swiss Embassy in Russia Leo Tremble.
As Leo Tremble reported, the Swiss Government prohibited erection of minarets in the country in accordance with the results of the all-national referendum, held on November 29. 57,7% of Swiss citizens have said no to minarets that time. This decision already aroused many disputes in the European press and local journalists forecasted dterioration of the relations between Switzerland and the Muslim world.
“This decision is the thoughtless step, made by some Swiss politicians” – Nurmuchamet Nigmatullin said – “It is inadmissible especially now when representatives of different religions strive for the dialogue of civilizations and come out for support of peace and well-being in the world community”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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