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11 December 2009, 16:48

Happy Day of Russian Constitution!

President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated all compatriots with the Day of Russian Constitution. The text of his complimentary address is given below:
“Dear compatriots! Let me heartily congratulate you with the remarkable state holiday – the Day of Russian Constitution!
Our main law has become the solid political and legal foundation of Russian federative state, the confirmation of human rights and liberties as the highest values. It plays really key role in formation of Russian public society institutes, providing public and political stability and all conditions for consolidation of Russian Federation’s defensive capacity and security.
In accordance with the Constitution we build up the legislation of the country and its regions and determine the most important steps on further public-political, economical, social and spiritual-moral development. The great potential of the country’s Constitution allows us to hold the strategic course towards step-by-step rise of Russians’ prosperity, consolidation of unity, power and international positions of our multinational Motherland.
Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the leading and supporting regions of Russian Federation and during all these years it moves along the way of creation and upsurge in production and social sphere. You may see with your own eyes what deserved place Bashkortostan occupies in development of the country, to what extent our towns and villages grow prettier and how striking our life changes for the better. And we do sure it will stay so in the future!
I wish you and your folks strong health and well-being, optimism and happiness and every success in all your deeds for the good of our Fatherland!
President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov”.
Author:news-service of President RB
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