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30 November 2009, 20:49

Presidential Council RB discussed the steps, aimed at the rise of the Republican manpower potential

The elaboration of the Regulations about public service personnel reserve in Bashkortostan and branch programs on peopleware in economics and social sphere, holding of the annual monitoring on state and local self-government bodies efficiency and some other measures, aimed at the rise of state manpower policy efficiency in our Republic were approved by the last Presidential Council RB.
“Working with people is the key link in the structure of the authority and local self-government and a substantial factor for development of our society, the state and the national economy” – President RB Murtaza Rakhimov underscored, taking the floor at the Presidential Council.
As the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev said at the meeting of the Presidential Council, the accumulated economic potential, diversification of local production and its modernization allowed Bashkortostan to be found in the list of Russian regions, which have suffered from the crisis to a lesser degree. At the same time certain slump, estimated at 4-5% in the gross regional product and at 6-7% in economics, is observed in our Republic for the first time for the last decade. In order to remain one of the most developed Russian regions it is necessary to have the strict state plan on development of the Republican economics and in order to determine the list of prior projects, able to boost up the economics we have to improve our work with qualified specialists. The Government RB proposes a series of measures, aimed at creation of such personnel reserve: formation of the Republican state order for training of specialists; development of state-private partnership in the system of professional education; introduction of training programs on the base of integration of educational, scientific and production activity; creation of necessary conditions in regions and towns RB and at the republican enterprises for attraction of young promising specialists and for their further successful career.
The next meeting of the Presidential Council is appointed on March 2010 and it will be devoted to the topic “Innovational development of higher school as a factor of Bashkortostan’s development”.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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