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30 November 2009, 13:57

Bashkir trade-unions come out for worthy wages for women

The round table, devoted to the 30th anniversary of UNO Convention about liquidation of all forms of discrimination with respect to women, has taken place in Moscow, the Russian Public Chamber, and representatives of UNO, UNESCO, Russian Ministry of foreign affairs, all-Russian feminine organizations, members of Russian Public Chamber and representatives of regional trade-unions participated in its work.
Bashkortostan was presented at the forum by the deputy chairman of Bashkir Trade-Union Federation Lenara Ivanova. She has taken the floor with the report about equality of women’s rights in labor relations and attracted attention of the participants to the absence of the statistical data on wages separately for men and women in the country. This gap doesn’t allow removing the existing “gender” fault in wages.
The problem of women’s labor rights infringement, peculiar for our country, was opened in the annual UNO report concerning the position of women in our country, introduced in the course of the round table. In opinion of the participants of the forum the struggle with women’s labor discrimination and manifestations of violence in families should be provided not just at the public level but at the federal and regional levels too.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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