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21 November 2009, 20:33

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has taken part in “United Russia” Congress

On November 21 President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov has taken part in the XI Congress of the political party “United Russia” in Saint-Petersburg.
The work statement and amendments to the party’s Regulations were considered at the congress and the party’s Supreme Council was re-elected.
President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has taken the floor with the salutary address to the participants of the Congress. The head of the state has highly appreciated the actions of “United Russia” and stated the party supported practically all anti-crisis measures, offered by the President of Russia, Russian Government and the Central Bank of Russia.
In opinion of the Russian President the party is able to achieve changes for the better only in case “it will start changing itself”. The President of Russia urged the party to become more open and flexible.
“United Russia is not an ordinary public organization but real political power – the ruling party and I do hope for your support. I am sure we will serve our Motherland together” – Dmitry Medvedev said.
The chairman of “United Russia”, Chairman of Russian Government Vladimir Putin has taken the floor with the main report about prospects of the party’s development and about social-economic situation in the country. He also underscored that “United Russia” had fulfilled its promise to preserve the stability of Russian economics and the bank sphere. “We promised we wouldn’t let the crisis demoralize our society and managed to preserve the most important achievements of the past years” – he said.
The head of Russian government thinks the anti-crisis program should include stimulation of high-tech productions, keeping the internal demand, struggle with unemployment and solution of the problems of Russian mono-towns.
“In two-three years we have to restore Russian economics at the pre-crisis level and today we are facing difficult but quite real and executable tasks. We have to clean our economics and to determine its competitive core” – Vladimir Putin stated.
President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov has supported the proposals on modernization of the party system, ventilated by Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin at the congress. Murtaza Rakhimov thinks that while remaining the ruling party “United Russia” has to stand maximally close to population, protecting the interests of ordinary people and not the interests of just the ruling circles.
President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov has again been re-elected into the staff of “United Russia” Supreme Council at the congress.
Author:News-service of President RB
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