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20 November 2009, 14:22

Clerical Muslim Dept RB starts the series of open lessons in madrasahs of Ufa

The Clerical Muslim Dept RB plans the series of open lessons on the base of the madrasah by Miriam Sultanova in Ufa. Citizens of other countries, once migrated to Ufa, become the authors of such lessons as a rule as well as citizens of Bashkortostan, who received Muslim education abroad.
Thus, the young pedagogue Radik Karimov – the native of Baltachevsky region RB – has conducted the Arab language lesson the day before. Not long ago he returned home fr om Cairo, wh ere he studied Arab language and the basics of Islam at the International Islamic University “Al-Azkhar”.
The deputy chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Ruslan Sayakhov reports the last lesson was the second in the series. The first calligraphy lesson was conducted by the pedagogue from Iran Sirus Borzu. He teaches Ufa students Persian language and calligraphy during two years. The next open lesson will be devoted to the rules of Koran reading and it will be conducted by the pedagogue from Turkey, who also works in the madrasah by Miriam Sultanova at present time.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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