news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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19 November 2009, 11:36

The last group of pilgrims left for hadj

The final group of Muslims from Bashkortostan left Ufa for the trip to Saudi Arabia today. Therefore the overall number of the pilgrims from our Republic made about 350 people in 2009 – 100 people less than in 2008. The economic crisis has become one of the main reasons why the number of people in 2009, wishing to see the holy Muslim places, was smaller than the last year. For many Muslims the trip to Mecca appeared too expensive. Thus, the cost of the hadj-missions made between 80 and 140 thousand rubles.
The virus A/H1N1 (the”pig flu”) has also contributed its share. The Hadj Ministry of Saudi Arabia even decided to impose the restriction on the entry for the people, older than 65.
The program of all hadj-tours includes the attendance of the main pilgrimage centers – Mecca and Medina plus additional excursions, depending upon the tour chosen. The pilgrims will begin to return home on December 6.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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