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14 November 2009, 12:19

President of Bashkortostan opened sport-sanitary center in the village Sharan

The sport-sanitary center was opened n the village “SHARAN” for the workers of SHARAN gas mains linear division of JSC “GASPROMTRANSGAS-Ufa” and President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov participated in the solemn opening ceremony. He cut the red ribbon together with the General Director of JSC “GASPROMTRANSGAS-Ufa” Sergey Pashin.
Opening the ceremony President of Bashkortostan said that he arrived in the village with pleasure because “opening of sport-sanitary center is a very important event and it is good that this event occurs during the Youth Year in Russian Federation and during the Year for support of youth initiatives in Republic of Bashkortostan”.
“I won’t commit a sin against the truth if I say that the endowment of President RB to construction of this center was high” – Sergey Pashin added – “This center is already the ninth in our company and the gas workers appreciate the leadership of the Republic for that. Our goal is to bring up our kids healthy and well-trained”. He presented the souvenir to the President of Bashkortostan – the model of the sport-sanitary center, just put into operation in Sharan.
Opening of the sport centers is one of the wide-scaled social programs for “GASPROMTRANSGAS-Ufa” and the main goal of the program is development and support of sport and healthy way of life. Nine centers work in the staff of the company for today.
Author:Mariat Artuhova
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