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13 November 2009, 09:59

Rail Sarbaev: high rate of Bashkortostan is proved by the attention to Republican economics

The Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev has taken part in the meeting, held by the deputy Chairman of Russian Government Igor Sechin in Moscow. Participants of the meeting discussed the questions of oil-chemistry development in Russia, including the problems, important for the oil-chemical complex of Bashkortostan.
“One can gain real breakthrough in this branch only through close coordination between the state and business” – was stated at the meeting. Efficient solution of the problems, accumulated in Russian chemistry, is one of the key points in reforming of Russian economics, i.e. its turn to the innovational path.
Rail Sarbaev has also held several negotiations in Moscow. During his meeting with Maxim Reshetnikov – the head of monitoring and regional authority efficiency estimation department under Russian Ministry of regional development the work of our Republic was marked as a quite positive example. By the results of 2008 Bashkortostan holds the 11th position in the rate of Russian regions.
The question of development of IT, including the project “Electronic Government”, were under discussion in the IT and communication Department of Russian Government with Constantine Noskov. Bashkortostan already possesses rich experience in this sphere. The “social card RB” represents the electronic key, with the help of which one can check the pension account, receive social benefits and many other things. This experience will be certainly useful for other Russian regions.
In the course of the Moscow visit the Prime-Minister has also held negotiations with the Vice-President of JSC “TRANSNEFT” Vladimir Kushnarev. In the nearest future the leadership of the company intends to arrive in Bashkortostan to sign the agreement about cooperation between the company and the Republic.
The manufacturing of the innovational product – the medical glass package of the first hydrolytic class – has the decisive importance for the future of the whole pharmaceutical Russian market and during the meeting with Igor Shuvalov, the first deputy Chairman of Russian Government, the parties discussed the questions concerning modernization of the glass package production on the base of JSC “TUIMAZYSTEKLO”. Prolongation of the credit agreement with JSC “VTB Bank” will allow solving the problem of import-substitution, since 80% of the glass package of the first hydrolytic class in the Russian market is of foreign origin.
Author:News-agency "Bashinform"
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