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25 October 2009, 09:24

Happy Day of Russian Federation customs official!

President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated the officials of Bashkortostan’s custom house with their professional holiday – the Day of Russian Federation’s customs official:
“Dear officials of the custom house RB!
Please, let me heartily congratulate you with the professional holiday – The Day of Russian Federation’s customs official.
The federal customs service of the country entered a new stage of its activity today and its role as an important mechanism on widening of trade relations, development of business and integration of Russia into the world community becomes more and more important with every year.
For two decades the custom house of Bashkortostan turned into a well-tuned and efficient system. You reached weighty labor achievements, actively contributing to the entry of Bashkir economics into the world economic community. Your service holds leading positions in Volga federal district, being an important link in the system of its customs bodies.
The current economic situation demands further consolidation of your activity and backing of Russian producers, struggle with contraband and illegal drug deliveries, with the export of strategic raw materials and the items of culture and national property are becoming the most important directions of your work.
I am sure the highly professional collective of Bashkortostan’s custom house will cope with the responsible tasks, imposed on it, with dignity.
My great thanks to the veterans of the customs service RB! I am sure your experience, professionalism and traditions will be augmented in the step-by-step, efficient work of your staff.
I wish you strong health, prosperity and happiness and every success in your service for the good of our Fatherland!
President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the salutary address of President RB.
Author:News-agency "Bashinform"
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