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23 October 2009, 15:47

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov held a meeting with General Lobov

On October 23 President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov held a meeting with the army General, well-known commander Vladimir Lobov in the Republic House.
The questions of public-political, economic and social development of the Republic were under discussion in the course of the meeting. President of Bashkortostan told Vladimir Lobov about work of youth training for army service, held in Republic of Bashkortostan. The questions of reformation, technical rearmament and peopleware were discussed too.
Vladimir Lobov highly estimated the way of social reforms in the Republic.
“Every time, when arriving in Bashkiria I see how the Republic changes for the better and I can see that local authority is doing much for development of social infrastructure in the regions – new bridges, roads, schools and health care institutions appear in the Republic. All that can’t but gladden” – Vladimir Lobov said.
Vladimir Lobov was born in 1935 in the village Buraevo, Bashkortostan. He is a candidate of historical sciences, Doctor of military sciences, Professor, active member of Russian Academy of natural sciences and the author of many scientific works.
Author:News-service of President RB
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