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19 October 2009, 16:24

Russians carry on a dialogue with President of Russia

Russians actively started a dialogue with President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. As we know, in September President of Russia called all citizens of the country to take part in the discussion concerning the ways in development of the country in his article “Russia, Forward!”. Dmitry Medvedev called his article the outline for his future Message to Federal Assembly.
As RIA “NOVOSTI” reports, for the first two weeks more than 10 thousand messages entered to the e-mail of President RF. More than 30% of the proposals concern the topic “Economics, technologies, science”.20% of the messages are devoted to development of the political system in Russia, state construction and civil society. About 18% of messages concern the aspects of lawful and judicial authority and struggle with corruption. Only 4,3% of Russians, wishing to start a dialogue with Russian President, pay attention to the problems in sphere of health protection, housing and social sphere. 3,1% think about national security, 1,9% are interested in foreign policy and less than 1% of Russian citizens are alarmed of ecology.
Some comments, registered on the site of Russian President, contain rather non-standard proposals on solution of these or those situations. The proposals of Russian business will be also taken into account when preparing the Presidential Message. The date of the Message’s announcement isn’t yet determined but it will take place approximately at the end of October – the beginning of November.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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