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6 October 2009, 15:09

Bashkortostan is ready to mark the World Trade-Union Day “For Deserved Labor”

Preparation for holding the World Trade-Union Day “For Deserved Labor” was discussed at the meeting of the Coordination committee on solidary actions under Trade-Union Federation RB.
As the news-center of the Trade-Union Federation RB reported to “Bashinform”, workers in different countries will celebrate this day for the second time. The decision concerning this celebration was made by the General Council of the International Trade-Union Federation in 2008. On October 7, 2008, more than 600 actions, devoted to this day, have been held in 1`30 countries.
Same actions are planned this year too. Thus, 3500 primary trade-union organizations will hold meetings to the corresponding theme tomorrow in our Republic and more than 60 thousand people expected to take part in them.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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