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15 September 2009, 17:37

Dozens thousand signatures of citizens RB were collected in the course of the action “Russia without tobacco”

Official presentation of the signatures, collected in the Republic in the course of the civil action “Russia without tobacco” will take place in the office of Bashkir division of the political party “United Russia” today. The action is initiated by the all-Russian public organization “The Nation Health League”, headed by the prominent Russian surgeon Leo Bokeria. The action in Bashkortostan was held under the aegis of President RB and with active participation of “United Russia” regional office.
According to world statistics more than 40% of citizens of the earth smoke systematically at present time. There are 1,1 billion smokers in the world and if this tendency remains at the same level, this number will increase up to 1,6 billion by 2025. Unfortunately Russia holds the first place by this showing. Two thirds of men smoke in the country. The European office of the World Health Organization reports every fourth Russian dies because of smoking.
In this situation “The Nation Health League” considers absolutely necessary to start the national program on struggle with smoking: announcement of 2010 the Year without tobacco in Russia; prohibition of any tobacco advertising; introduction of criminal penalty for sales of cigarettes to teenagers etc. Thousand people in Bashkortostan put their signatures under these demands in the course of the social action “Russian without tobacco” in our Republic.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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