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11 September 2009, 13:38

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev invited Russians to discussion concerning prospects in development of the country

The program article “Forward, Russia!”, written by Russian President, appeared on the official site of President RF Dmitry Medvedev. Russian leader told in details about current state of affairs in the country and about strategic challenges it faced.
President of Russia considers that in the nearest decade the country has to turn into the country with “clever” economics, creating unique knowledge, and the country, able to protect itself from military point of view. “For the first time in our history we are facing the chance to prove to ourselves as well as to the whole world that Russia is able to develop itself along the democratic way and the step to the next, higher level of civilization is quite possible for the country” – Dmitry Medvedev underscored in the article.
According to the leader of the state this transition will be realized with the help of nonviolent methods and not under constraint but through disclosure of creative potential of every personality, not under intimidation but by the interest and not through opposition but through closing of personal interests, interests of the society in a whole and interests of the state. In the course of several nearest decades Russia has to become the country, which prosperity is provided not so much with raw stock as with intellectual resources: “clever” economics with unique knowledge and the export of the newest technologies and products of innovative activities.
Dmitry Medvedev reminds that not long ago he has determined five strategic guidelines in economic modernization of the country: energy efficiency and energy saving, including designing of new sorts of fuel; development of atomic and information technologies, including designing of super-computers; development of space technologies, including space and surface infrastructure; development of medical technologies, medical equipment and pharmacology.
“Following these five strategies of leadership in high-tech sphere we are going to pay more attention to development of the most important traditional branches and to development of agricultural complex first of all” – Dmitry Medvedev mentioned and underscored that “Russia will be well armed – quite enough that nobody would take into his head to threaten either us or our neighbors”. These goals are quite real and the tasks, set for achievement of these goals, are complicated but solvable. The detailed and step-by-step plans for progression in the indicated directions are already found under elaboration, President of Russia reported.
In conclusion of the article Dmitry Medvedev invited “all those who have something to say” to cooperation and to participation in the discussion on the topics, mentioned in the article. “Your remarks, estimations and proposals will be taken into account when preparing the Message of Russian President to the Federal Assembly and the practical plans of actions on development of the country. The e-mail address is [email protected]” – President of Russian Federation said. The article is published one-two months before the annual announcement of the Message of President RF to the Federal Assembly.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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