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23 June 2009, 15:32

Murtaza Rakhimov: Bashkir neurosurgery school is one of the best in the country

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov took the floor at the solemn opening of the V congress of neurosurgeons RF, held in Ufa Congress-Hall at present moment. President of Bashkortostan warmly greeted participants of the congress and congratulated them with the beginning of the medical forum in Ufa.
“We are happy to see the representatives of scientific medical elite in the capital of Bashkortostan” – President RB said – “Human health is the imperishable value And its protection is the prior task of our state and the most important direction in its social policy. Bashkortostan runs productive work on development of medical service system and creation of comfortable conditions for our medics. We approved and started to develop the Concept of health system development as well as the complex program on development of health sphere till 2020. There are 15 different goal-oriented programs, aimed at solution of actual medical problems, working in our region.
Financial provision of our health system grows up from year to year. For the last year the volume of consolidated means, allocated for financing of the medical branch, exceeded 23 billion 700 million rubles. It means for three years it has grown up more than three times.
Special attention is paid to strengthening of the health protection material and technical base. The field meetings of the Republican health protection council also give solid impulse to development of the branch. We hold such meetings for already the fifth year and for this period of time medical institutions of 14 regions RB seriously reinforced their material and technical base. Positive reforms in sphere of health protection are achieved thanks to the national project “Health”. Bashkortostan stands in the list of 12 Russian regions, participating in the federal program on improvement of health care for patients, suffering from cardiovascular diseases. We are thankful for assistance of the Association of neurosurgeons RF, Russian neurosurgical institute by Professor Polenov, Military-medical Academy by S. M. Kirov, Ural neurosurgical center, the Ambulance Institute by Sklifosovsky and the scientific-research institute of neurosurgery by academician N.N. Burdenko. We are also thankful to Alexander Konovalov who underscored that Bashkir neurosurgery school was considered one of the best in the country!” (The text of the speech is given briefly)
President RB wished participants of the forum productive work, good impressions of staying in our Republic and every success in their uneasy but noble occupation for the good of human health and for the good of Russia.
Author:News-agency "Bashinform"
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