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22 June 2009, 15:25

President RB sent welcoming message to participants of all-Russian congress of neurosurgeons

The V congress of neurosurgeons RF is held in the capital of Bashkortostan on June 22-25 and in this connection President RB Murtaza Rakhimov sent welcoming message to its participants:
“Dear friends!
Please, let me heartily congratulate you with the beginning of the V congress of neurosurgeons in Ufa. We are happy to see you in the capital of our Republic at this forum of public health service elite of the country.
Human health is an imperishable value and its protection is the top priority task of our state and an important direction in its social policy. Bashkortostan runs wide and efficient work on development of health service system, steadily raising financial provision of the branch and creating comfortable conditions for activity of our medics. Positive changes are achieved thanks to the prior national project “Health” too.
Bashkortostan stands in the list of 12 regions of the country, participating in the federal program on perfection of medical care for the patients with cardiovascular diseases and according to estimation of specialists the neurosurgical school RB is considered one of the best in the country.
I am sure that thanks to close and efficient cooperation of scientists and experts your representative forum will make weighty endowment to development of Russian neurosurgery and the whole health protection system of Russia. I wish you effective cooperation and good impressions of staying in our Republic! I wish you every success in your uneasy but noble activity for the good of people’s health and for the good of Russia!”
Author:News-agency "Bashinform"
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