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5 June 2009, 12:00

Happy Ecologist Day!

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated workers and veterans of environmental services RB with their professional holiday – the Ecologist Day, celebrated today.
“Dear workers and veterans of environmental services! Please, let me heartily congratulate you with your professional holiday – the Ecologist Day!
Bashkortostan is considered one of the leading and industrially developed regions in Russian Federation and we pay much attention to the issues of environment protection, preservation of our unique nature and rational use of natural resources, strengthening of ecological security and health of our people. The goal-oriented program “Ecology and natural resources RB” is successfully carried into effect. We are constantly busy with improvement of environmental legislative base and our enterprises strive for modernizing their productions, thus raising the ecological constituent of technological processes and output. Bashkortostan often becomes the site for big all-Russian ecological gatherings and conferences. The successes, achieved in this sphere, have become the result of tireless activity of real highly qualified professionals, devoted to their noble occupation!
I am sure the tasks for preservation and augmenting of our natural treasures will be further step-by-step solved and you will do all possible for the world, which surrounds us, would always gladden people with its generosity and unique beauty.
I wish you and your relatives strong health, happiness and well-being and further success for the good of our native Bashkortostan and the whole of Russia!
President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the salutary address of President RB.
Author:News-agency "Bashinform"
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