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7 April 2009, 17:41

Executive committee of World Bashkir Congress (Kurultay) chooses the place for installation of the monument to Bashkir warriors, battling with Napoleon

The work group, established by the executive committee of the World Bashkir Congress (Kurultay) has to determine the most suitable place in Ufa to install the monument in the honor of Bashkir warriors, fighting on the fields of the Patriotic War 1812. The staff of the group includes historians, architects and sculptors. Erection of the future monument is planned to date to the 200th anniversary of Russia’s victory over the troops of Napoleon. As it is known, 28 Bashkir regiments participated in the Patriotic War 1812. In the memory about those feats many memorials and monuments are installed in Russia as well as in Europe, including the magnificent Caravansary in Orenburg, erected by the request and with active participation of Bashkir nation. The memorial plates in the honor of Bashkir warriors are installed in Dresden and Leipzig. The magnificent stele in the honor of the warriors, struggling in that war, is installed on the motherland of our great commander Kakhym Murdashev – Kakhym-ture – in Sterlitamacsky region RB. Now it is high time to immortalize the memory of brave Bashkir riders in the capital of Bashkortostan – Ufa, as the members of the World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee believe. In their opinion the place in many respects determines the public importance of the monument so they discuss several variants but evident preference is given to two main variants: one on the entrance in Ufa and another one is one the site before the Bashkir State University. The work group has to examine both variants from practical point of view.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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