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25 March 2009, 12:30

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov will read out annual Message to Parliament RB

The 12th gathering of State Council-Kurultay-RB of the fourth convocation will take place in State Council House on March 26. President RB Murtaza Rakhimov will read out the annual Message to State Council-Kurultay-RB.
President of Bashkortostan reads the Messages to State Council RB in accordance with the article 87 of the Republican Constitution. For the first time President RB has taken the floor with the annual Message in 1995. In 2009 President RB will read out the Message for the 15th time.
The annual messages determine the strategy of the region’s development therefore they arouse wide public response. The document reflects the main totals of public-political, social-economic and cultural-spiritual development RB and determines the ways for further progress in the interests of the society and all people.
The Message of President RB is directed to construction of competitive innovational economics, strengthening and development of social sphere, health protection, science, culture and sport. The Presidential messages become the guidelines for development of all spheres of public life, setting new challenges before the deputy corps and forming the main directions on perfection of the Republican legislative system. The issues of state construction, enforcement of law, observation of citizens’ rights, perfection of activity of the Republican and local authority and local self-government bodies are also broached in the annual messages.
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