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23 March 2009, 15:11

President of Russia congratulated President and citizens of Bashkortostan with the 90th anniversary of the Republic

President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev directed salutary address to President RB Murtaza Rakhimov and congratulated him and all citizens of our Republic with the 90th anniversary of Republic of Bashkortostan foundation.
“Dear friends!
Please, let me congratulate you with the 90th anniversary of Republic of Bashkortostan foundation. There are many glorious and heroic pages in the history of your land and citizens of the Republic may be by right proud of the names and achievements of your compatriots, centuries-old labor and cultural traditions. Bashkir land was always generous in talented people – famous writers, painters and well-known scientists, whose creative heritage became the spiritual property of the whole world.
Today your Republic stably develops, possessing powerful industrial and intellectual potential. Bashkortostan successfully develops important social programs.
I am sure that your initiatives, energy and tendency will help you further gaining high results for the good of Republic of Bashkortostan and the whole of Russia.
Happy success and all the best!
Dmitry Medvedev” – said in the salutary address of President RF.
Author:News-service of President RB
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